My name is Stella Keany.
I'm a third year Computer Science student in UCD.
Originally from Co. Donegal.
Currently living, studying and working in Dublin.
Created this project with a friend where the user would enter the amount they wanted to convert and their chosen currencies through a gui and an api would scrape the most up-to-date exhange rate for the chosen currency and display the final amount to the user. We implemented the gui with JavaFX and SceneBuilder and used a REST api to retrieve exchange rate information.
I worked on this project with 2 other students. We used the Scrum framework to work in weekly sprints and used Github for version control. We were required to recreate the board game 'Blokus Duo' using Java, Gradle and LibGDX. The application had to have a command line user interface and a gui, be playable by both human players and bots (ie. human vs bot, human vs human or bot vs bot) and finally, we had to create a bot ourselves that would play the game. Our lecturer for the module created a competition where each team's bot would play against eachother in order to find the strongest player. Our bot made it to the semi-finals and came joint third overall.
This website was my final project for my web design module which I took in first year. We were given a prompt (create a website for a fictional restaurant) and the specifications required us to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP in the website, that it have minimum 5 pages and that we didn't use any frameworks (such as Bootstrap, React etc.). I spent a lot of time on the CSS for this website, making sure that it was responsive for every screen size. Unfortunately, since it has been uploaded to UCD CS servers, the PHP which I used to import the navigation to each page has been disabled, which now makes the site near impossible to navigate. The link to the website can be found here.
This was the first project I completed while using Github for version control. We had to recreate the board game Othello with a text based UI and move verification. I used C for this application.
Crana College, Co. Donegal, Ireland
University College Dublin, Ireland
Web Design
Software Engineering
Statistical Analysis (Python)